Garden Tour around my home
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Papaya |
These are an introduction of all the items I grow in my garden. I use alot of vegetables in my cooking. Pls stay updated for recipes. If your interested in purchasing any of these plants to grow in your own garden, just click on the photo and it will take you to the link to purchase.
Papaya's has lots of healthy benefits. It reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, aids in digestion, and has lots of powerful antioxidants.
Garlic Chives |
I like to recycle and reuse any garden scraps I have. I will usually throw garden scraps in the compost, but I will start using more garden scraps and making soup out of vegetable cuttings from skin and bottom of vegetables. Keep updated. I will be making more soup during winter time.
These garlic chives are gloves of garlic just put in the dirt that's been mixed with compost. Cant wait for garlic bulbs to grow.!
Genovese Basil
Genovese Basil |
These are beautiful wild basil that keeps re growing in my garden. They are so good in stir fries, pastas, and homemade pesto sauce.
Okinawan sweet potato shoots
Okinawan sweet potato shoots |
This is Okinawan sweet potato shoots. The Okinawan Sweet potato has a white skin with purple flesh. My Sweet potato isn't ready yet. But the leaves are going crazy. The leaves are edible and can be used in soups, eaten raw, or give them a quick blanch and mix up with your favorite salad mix.
Above is the link for Okinawan sweet potato. You will receive fresh Okinawan sweet potatoes. If you want to plat some in your garden, keep some pototoes on the side in a dry cool area and wait till you see roots coming out of the potato. Once you see roots, they are ready to be planted. Now you can start enjoying some beautiful purple Okinawan Potatoes. The color of the potato is so beautiful and vibrant. Make some Okinawan sweet potato salad for your next potluck, or picnic!
Pak Choi Cabbage
Baby Pak Choi Cabbage These are Pak Choi cabbage growing . Cant wait for these babies to grow. They grow really good here. Pak choi cabbage is good in stir fries, & soups. I use cabbage alot in my cooking. Keep updated! Cilantro |
Cilantro |
Cilantro is good in everything. It makes your dish so much more flavorful. I like to use cilantro when making wraps, sauces, pasta, and everything else.
Red Russian Kale
Red Russian Kale |
This is Red Russian Kale. Delicious green leaves, turns more purple during the cold weather. Perfect for salads, soups, and stir fries. For a carb less wrap, use some Kale.
Taro |
This is Kalo, also known as taro. This is growing everywhere in my garden. I cook alot with these taro. I will make beef lua stew, pork or chicken laulau, and homemade fresh pounded poi. Again, pls stay updated for recipes!
Sour Sop fruit
Soursop Fruit |
This is a really good, exotic fruit. Its has a sweet, floral fruity smell, juicy, sweet, and tangy tart flavor. This is excellent in eating just by itself, add it to yogurts, smoothies, or freeze them for a sweet treat. This fruit is like a fruit from the gods. It has alot of health benefits. The leaves are medicinal, used for tea. The fruit helps in digestion, perfect fruit for weight loss. Its high in Vitamin C that can strengthen your immune system.
Soursop leaves for tea. Drink to your health! |
Lilikoi AKA Passion Fruit
Lilikoi flower or passion fruit |
This is lilikoi also know as passion fruit. This is growing in my garden. The flower is very beautiful. There's no fruit on it yet. I will be posting some recipes on Lilikoi. I'll usually make some refreshing drinks, or sauces with lilikoi. My favorite is the lilikoi chiffon pie. There so good just eating the fruit just like that. Lilikoi has sweet and sour flavor.
Pls. Keep updated on recipes and more updates on the growth of my garden and all the uses that comes from the garden.
Planting guide |
This planting guide came with some seeds I've ordered online. Thought this maybe helpful to others!
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